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Provided by Law Library
  • HeinOnline Database
  • RU credentials required off-campus
  • RULL on-campus use permitted
HeinOnline logo HeinOnline
Provided by Law Library
  • HeinOnline Database
  • RU credentials required off-campus
  • RULL on-campus use permitted


HeinOnline is a premiere legal research platform that includes case law, statutory materials, regulations, government publications, treaties and agreements, more than 3,200 scholarly legal journals, classical legal volumes, and more. Although U.S. law is the focus, the platform also includes international and foreign materials. Collections are organized into “Libraries.” including the flagship “Law Journal Library.” HeinOnline is ideal for cite-check because of its fully searchable, image-based format.

Legal Research Tip!

Excellent resource for law review cite-check because of image-based original source, PDF format!
