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Bar Prep Resources: MBE


These resources are useful for applying what you have learned from your 1L courses of civil procedure, contracts, property and torts as well as the upper level courses of constitutional law, criminal law, criminal procedure, and evidence. Many of the titles in the Law Library collection have practice multiple choice questions with answers to test your knowledge of the above areas of law. 

MBE Law Library Resources

MBE Questions by Subject

The following are sample MBE style questions.  There are 30 easy questions for each subject.  You should always read the call of the question before the fact pattern and answer choices.  THESE QUESTIONS ARE NO SUBSTITUTE FOR ACTUAL BAR PREPARATION AND ONLY INTENDED AS AN INTRODUCTION TO THE MBE.  For more rigorous actual MBE questions please refer to the titles under Law Library Resources. Civil Procedure  |  Constitutional Law  |  Contract Law  |  Criminal Law and Procedure  |  Evidence  |  Real Property  |  Torts

MBE Prep Test Questions

The following are six MBE prep tests each with 50 questions.  Although each test contains a variety of subjects covered on the MBE exam, each test does not exhaustively cover all MBE subjects.  These questions are more difficult than the MBE sample questions.  Hints are provided.

Prep Test 1                        Prep Test 3                        Prep Test 5

Prep Test 2                        Prep Test 4                        Prep Test 6


MBE Test Simulator

This 200-question MBE simulator contains a mix of 28 questions for each of the seven subjects tested in the MBE.  It is designed to replicate a real MBE exam.  


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